We want to contribute to environmental and climate protection. As a wood processing company, we primarily use production residues from nearby sawmills for our products. Beginning 2025 we will additionally process recycled waste wood to keep it in the raw material cycle.
But that’s not the end of it. We have established many small and large environmental protection projects, from the resource-efficient extrusion process for our tubular boards, the use of heat recovery and the operation of photovoltaic systems at our sites, to the purchase of local green electricity in Arnsberg.
Wood as raw material
Sustainable forestry is our top priority – which is why we produce our particle boards and bearers from regional sawmill residues. This way the valuable raw material is kept in use and not burned for energy or heat production and we significantly increase the degree of utilization of the harvested wood.
Our production technology is already resource-efficient at its core: thanks to the extrusion method used to manufacture our tubular and solid particle boards, we can produce more boards from less material.
We are committed to supporting the federal government’s climate targets through our activities. We are therefore aiming for a 65% reduction in CO2 emissions in our operations by 2030 and climate neutrality by 2045.
Recycling of wood
Our aim is to make the best possible use of wood as a raw material and to keep it in the cycle for as long as possible. That is why we are currently building a facility for cleaning and recycling waste wood at our Gotha site. We plan to start with using 10-15% recycled wood in the material flow.
Photovoltaic systems
We have installed photovoltaic systems at our sites in Sauerland and Thuringia. Each year, we generate 400,000 kWh of electricity – the equivalent of powering 100 single-family homes.
Heat recovery
The filtered air extracted from our halls transfers its heat to the fresh air that is supplied. This saves energy and reduces the negative pressure in the halls, which in turn improves our working conditions.
Energy-saving chipping with the EcoPulser
Energy is lost through friction during any mechanical type of wood chipping. At our site in Arnsberg, we therefore rely on contactless chipping using an EcoPulser. The process based on sonic shock waves saves up to 80 % energy in comparison.
Local green electricity
We already purchase 100% certified local green electricity for our Sauerland site. The electricity is generated from renewable sources such as wind, sun and water directly in Arnsberg and the surrounding area.
Energy management ISO 50001
We have been ISO 50001 certified for our energy management for many years. Thanks to heat recovery, contactless chipping and other optimization projects, we have saved thermal energy for 830 and electricity for 300 single-family homes over a period of three years.